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Margarita Mamun is getting ready for Stuttgart!

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The World Championship in Stuttgart is coming very soon. All rhythmic gymnasts are waiting impatiently for this grand event. All of them have been working very hard to get to this Championship. All of them dream to win gold medals and take the first places. But….who will be the winner?  It is a very intriguing question!

A few days are left before the World Championship. Rhythmic gymnasts are trying to improve the elements. The coaches are busy with psychological preparation of their sportswomen. Let us find out about Margarita Mamun’s level of preparation! Is she all set for the competitions?

The last check of preparation to the World Championship in Stuttgart took place in Kazan. One of the favorites of the world competitions, Margarita Mamun, won in the All-around competitions, she also took four gold medals for separate exercises – exercises with hoop, clubs, ball and ribbon. The personal coach of the gymnast and the coach of the Russian team, Amina Zaripova, told to the correspondent of the Agency of sport information “Ves sport”, Viktor Limasov, about the Margarita Mamun’s level of preparation to the World Championship.

-         I am pleased with the way Margarita performed at the World Cup stage in Kazan. I liked her psychological condition as well, - Amina Zaripova said – Rita must believe in herself. Her main rival is she herself. She must learn to fight her fears, her lack of confidence – all these aspects were corrected for the better in Kazan. This is very important before the Championship which is coming very soon.

-         Are all these aspects somehow connected with the constant rivalry for leadership with Yana Kudryavtseva?

-         Rita has such a facile nature that she doesn’t need competing with Yana. When she begins to compete, there is nothing good in it at the end. That is what the main coach of the Russian team, Irina Aleksandrovna, and I are trying to tell her. She should perform mainly for the audience and herself and not to win Yana or other rivals. She should win herself at first.

-         Today Yana Kudryavtseva didn’t perform at separate exercises. Did that emancipated Margarita or is it better when a strong rival competes with you thus making you pull yourself together?

-         I was very pleased that Yana worried about Margarita and supported her. Perhaps deep inside Yana wanted to perform as well but she and her coach came to a right decision to keep her foot safe. But Yana didn’t stay at a hotel room, she presented at the competitions. She was near with Margarita and other girls. That is really precious.

-         Has Margarita acquired that necessary psychological condition of calmness?

-         She is getting close to it and further we are going to continue working with psychologists and team doctors to make Rita believe in herself.

-         What are you going to work with at the remaining time before flight to Stuttgart?

-         We are going to rehearse some elements that were not so good in Kazan – the turns, the ability to keep the balance and so on. We have some work to do for the following 10 days before the flight.

-         What is going to be the hardest at the remaining days apart from the technical side?

-         Everything is going to be difficult because the Championship is the absolute marathon. The competitions will last for 5 days. We will get to Germany on September, 3rd. The tournament starts on September 7th and finishes on September 11th. That will be very complicated for girls to do one kind of program per day and then perform in the finals in the evenings. If they get to them, of course. And the most significant medal for the All-around competitions will be competed for at the very last day. The sportswomen will have to bear enormous workload – psychological and physical. Everything possible is already worked out, it will be total game on the nerves. 


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